Sunday, August 3, 2008


Since the beginning of the Obama circus I have been at a loss to understand how a candidate who revels in vagaries and pep talk phrases can be at the brink of winning the highest office in the land. Could it be that most of the people in this country really don’t care if he has a solid position on anything? Could it be that the American people are so sick of struggling in a bad economy that they are just looking for “a change”. Or are most people just stupid?

A review of the past is vitally important at this point. Obama started his political pursuits in Chicago where he decided to marry up with Rev. Wright in order to get elected to the State Senate in Illinois. If he didn’t do it for that reason, then he did it because he believed all that anti-American, racist bull. My read of him is that he is a calculating opportunist, but a nice guy! He has a genuine nice smile and just doesn’t look like an angry black man. Now given that, I must therefore conclude that he used the blacks in South Chicago by letting them think he was one of them (anti America and anti white man). He did this for 20 years while he established a block of votes, most of which backed him because he was a Rev. Wright parishioner and so are they. He was a brother.

So Mr. Obama joined up with one of the largest churches in the area and this got him elected. After he got elected, he managed to earmark millions of dollars in State tax revenues to Rev. Wright’s church and his political base. Now he was a mini savior. All the while he was using his backers because they figured he was “one of them” but in reality he wasn’t.

Other people Obama chummed around with included a former domestic terrorist and a shady real estate developer, but all this is not contested at all. The point is that when you look at a person and are trying to size him up, you have to look at all his friends. Most of the time a person is in sinc with their friends. Especially if the relationships are long ones.

Obama later had a teaching position at a Chicago law school that was known for professors that published huge amounts of educational articles on law. Guess what? Obama never published anything there. He only lectured on black oppression topics. Again, pumping up his resume for political reasons.

Don’t forget his lovely bride Michelle. The media poked around for a bit into her background but later stopped. As she said, up until recently she never loved this country. Well, that is the inferred inverse of what she said. Mysteriously the transcripts of the PUSH subcommittee meeting where she may have referred to “whitey” have vanished. Why do you think her image, at least from skeptics, is a radical black female with an attitude? We do know that her senior thesis was a black, whow is me, theme. We also know she thought of her Harvard professors as white elitists. These facts have been made public already.

Opportunity knocked and Obama got to run against a black Republican for a US Senate seat. This was a gift, against another black in a State that votes democratic? Now he is a US Senator and his campaign for President begins. He is forced to write off Rev. Wright He said that was not the Rev. Wright he knew before. He writes off his old friend Tony Resco saying he is not the Tony Resco he knew before. So much for loyalty. One political flap and under the bus goes his friends to join his white grandmother. When I was in the military the troops formed opinions of senior officers on this quality only. In tough times would he back you or not? This quality in a leader is of the utmost importance. Obama doesn't have it.

Now Obama is out there politicking. He is great on the prepared speeches, but as we all know, when he drifts from the text, problems happen. He said the other day in Florida that if everyone just inflated their tires and got tune ups, it would exceed all the oil that others say is out there targeted for new drilling. What a stupid statement! Can you imagine a Presidential candidate making things up like that? Even his supportive audience couldn’t believe that statement…total silence when he said it. Now when someone is so sure of their communication abilities that they think they can just sling it and get away with it, there is a problem. For those that wish to apologize for Obama and say he was only kidding, then the next question is, what is the argument against further drilling then? If he had an intelligent one he would have led with it. He didn’t. The truth is there is no real reason why not. As a matter of fact, he just decided to soften that stance after the Florida speech. He now says he now will support new drilling in the gulf as long as we agree to a 20 year plan to convert cars to run on electricity. Sounds like his team looked at the polling data and recognized that most Americans favor new drilling. Sorry Ms. Polosi.

Recently Obama decided to go to the middle east to prove he has foreign policy experience?? He was led around and when he visited Afghanistan he reportedly avoided meeting the troops. This is a copy of an e-mail from an in-country soldier that was published on the internet just the other day:

Hello everyone, I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.
As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.
So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.

In service,
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter
Battle Captain
TF Wasatch
American Soldier

I think the soldier had it right when he said that Obama was probably scared to face troops that do not feel he is on their side. The Obama handlers probably didn’t want to risk a soldier refusing to shake his hand or turning his back on him. Even the liberal media circus following him would have had to report that.

After he returned, even though the liberal media is now conceding that the surge worked, Obama refused to admit that. Instead he babbled on about how his plan was better. Even Katie Couric pressed him to admit the surge worked, but he wouldn’t. Obama’s plan is to put all the troops into Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan. I don’t think we want a President that can’t see to admit a mistake, or when to change courses after a mistake. He wouldn’t on the surge, he wouldn’t on his friends, he wouldn’t on Rev. Wright. I’m afraid he wouldn’t as President.

Now we are looking at Obama without an energy policy, with no good foreign policy, with a dangerous economic policy, and virtually no experience at anything. He was a community organizer in Chicago which turned out to be working with ACORN which was found to be an organization that signed up thousands of illegal voters (voter fraud). Obama says he is ready to lead but he won’t face the troops to thank them. He claims all the high gas prices can be addressed by filling your tires, he will raise taxes or he’ll retreat and dismantle the military. Unfortunately with the percent of the federal budget that is discretionary, there aren’t any other ways of finding major cash to fund new programs.

Americans need to wake up. This man has no principles of his own. He has no loyalties. A man like this can not be trusted. McCain has a lot of issues too, but at least he is consistent and a real patriot, Obama is not.

1 comment:

georgebush said...

Your latest rant is a doozy. I will concentrate on one paragraph: "Obama later had a teaching position at a Chicago law school that was known for professors that published huge amounts of educational articles on law. Guess what? Obama never published anything there. He only lectured on black oppression topics. Again, pumping up his resume for political reasons."

First off, the "teaching position at a Chicago law school" is correct, but it should be added that it was the University of Chicago Law School (one of the best and most CONSERVATIVE law schools in the nation).

Second, "Obama never published". This may or may not be correct. Nonetheless, Obama was a part-time instructor and not a full-time professor. It is not unusual for an instructor not to publish.

Finally, John "Crash" McCain, graduated sixth from the bottom of his class. I wish that dumb-ass spent some time in a classroom "pumping up his resume for political reasons".