Friday, August 29, 2008

Palen pick

You can just hear old Barack saying, "wtf!" This choice just took all the wind out of the Obama sails and by next week will result in McCain surging ahead by at least 10 percentage points. Sarah Palen has it all; good looks, spunk, pro-life, a hockey mom, a hunter, a life member of the NRA, a feminist with an R after her name, a staunchly honest politician who has taken down crooked republicans as well as democrats, and on and on. She is the real deal. She knew she was going to give birth to a down syndrome child, and wouldn't even consider an abortion. Watch out Obama, you are now going to see millions of Hillary backers drift over to the McCain side liketty split! Obama dissed Hillary, and now all those femanazis have a place to go.

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