Thursday, August 28, 2008

The "one" or the wrong one

Is he the one? Or is he just another black man with an attitude and a Jesse Jackson agenda to sprinkle money across American ghettos? Beginning with the 20 year association with the ranting Chicago hate preacher where Obama never knew he was preaching "hate America" stuff, to adoring wife who never was proud of America until Obama was in the run for President, America is soon to make a choice. Recent Ayers Dorhan revelations also have come out that show Obama has a close relationship with this (another) hate America agitator and in fact started his political kick off at Ayers home. Ayers, as you may by now know, was the leader of the Weather Underground; a hate America group that bombed government buildings and killed a Boston police officer. I have been looking hard since these revelations to find a love America group Obama was ever involved with, any such group... Nothing.

How can this be explained? It seems to be the hope in middle America that race is no longer a factor. That old racial feelings are no longer. That a young black man is as good as a white man in a political race. The only problem with this is that many are blinded by the negatives and just want at all costs to be progressive enough to vote for a black man so they can show everyone that they are not part of that old way. They don't want to focus on these negatives as they might blow a hole in their new way of looking at the world. Too bad. The result of all this will be tragic for America. It will set racial relations back 50 years. Polls are showing that Obama is slipping as people are finally wising up. After it is all over and McCain wins, everyone will blame racism, and it will be some time before we all get over it.

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