Monday, August 11, 2008

Russian agression

Former KGB head and Russian leader Putin has decided to invade Georgia in a heavy handed way over a Georgian act that warranted only a heated discussion . Georgia, a US ally and one of the best friends of the United States in Iraq, is looking for our help, but there is none coming. John McCain has it right, Putin can't be trusted. Obama on the other hand would never consider force in a case like this, rather he would want to talk, talk, talk. The UN is considering a security council meeting over it, but the Russians don't care, they can bog down any UN effort using their parlimentary vote and everyone knows it. Putin wants Obama in office because Obama is a pacifist that can be bullied.

It comes down to this; Can any ally expect our help if they request it, when their country comes under aggression and they are outmatched? Don't ever think Obama would support one of our allies if they were in trouble. He talks a good game, but he is inexperienced, a left wing dove and anti-any war. Could Israel expect Obama to come to their aid if they were attacked by multiple Arab countries at once? Could Japan expect Obama's help if the wacco Arabs started major trouble and Japan pleaded for our military help?

Americans need to consider the worst when they vote for a President. Who will fight when fighting is in order? If Russia gets testy in the future who is the better President to put them in their place, Obama or McCain? The world isn't safe enough yet for Americans to just smell the roses and bury the slingshots.

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