Monday, August 25, 2008

Biden's worth

Biden was one of the "jump to judgment" politicians that screamed for the heads of the Marines involved in the Haditha incident. This small group sided with the off the wall phony patriot Jack Murtha and demanded these Marines be prosecuted before their rights were protected and without the presumption of innocence. Biden even demanded the president apologize for this incident. Well, it turned out seven were found innocent and one is still pending a hearing. You don't hear a peep from this group of unpatriotic idiots now. I don't hear a Biden apology or even a admission that he was wrong. This kind of rush to judgment is a quality that should never be brushed over on a man who is potentially a heartbeat away from the Presidency. We also hear that one of the biggest lobbyists in Washington with an office 2 blocks from the capitol is Biden's son. A Google search of "Biden lobbyist" reveals a book load of stories of this son and legal actions he has been involved with. It is no doubt that the most recent CNN poll after Obama picked this blowhard showed that the short lead Obama had has evaporated. Change we can believe in!!!

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