Friday, August 8, 2008

Hidden racism in America

Many talking heads and blogs these days are scratching their heads because Obama can't seem to kick on the afterburners and stretch out a lead. After all, he has the money, the media, Hollywood, what else does he need? Juan Williams thinks whites are telling pollsters that they like Obama even though they have no use for him because they want to look progressive. Could this be?

Well let’s look at the basics. Each of the last two elections were very close with the Democrats voting Democrat, and the Republicans voting Republican and the Independents split. Is that trend any different today? You bet. Everyone knows that there are still many areas in the country where blacks are not trusted. Southern rural areas, inner city neighborhoods, and don’t forget that large block of Southern Democrats who are recognized by former KKK members like Sen. Bird. Nobody wants to examine this for fear of bringing the race issue up into a campaign where everyone is tip toeing around trying not to even frown when a black walks by. Is racism alive and a factor?

The Democrats want to play it both ways. They want everyone to feel like they are a racist if they are not for Obama, while trying to convince themselves that there are no racist feelings today in America. One needs only to travel into southern white areas to see that old black/white views are still around. For many its bad enough to consider voting for a black man who most of the time acts white, but to vote for him when he starts acting like the Pope in Europe and better then the rest of us is much too much to swallow. But just how much of a factor is it? Well, we know that Obama realized no bounce after Europe. After Europe he has slipped now to a point that he is dead even with McCain today in the polls. The media is trying to say McCain is advancing instead of Obama slipping but, they are starting to fear the worst.

Obama started off strong but a lot of his strength was really because many just thought of Hillary as a nag and a idiot. The media knew this but were so into a young black man making history, they wanted to ride that wave and be part of it. Obama, the opportunist, surged just like when he ran for Senate against someone who had higher objectionables then him (Republican black). He is lucky that way. Now he is about to be the anointed Democrat at their convention. Are people staying in the closet until they vote? The answer is absolutely.

My view is that even if the whites in America, both Democrats and Republicans, are 10-15% racist or even just a little untrusting of a black man in power, McCain wins big in November. We won’t hear the guilt trip from the media until after the election.

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