Friday, August 29, 2008

Palen pick

You can just hear old Barack saying, "wtf!" This choice just took all the wind out of the Obama sails and by next week will result in McCain surging ahead by at least 10 percentage points. Sarah Palen has it all; good looks, spunk, pro-life, a hockey mom, a hunter, a life member of the NRA, a feminist with an R after her name, a staunchly honest politician who has taken down crooked republicans as well as democrats, and on and on. She is the real deal. She knew she was going to give birth to a down syndrome child, and wouldn't even consider an abortion. Watch out Obama, you are now going to see millions of Hillary backers drift over to the McCain side liketty split! Obama dissed Hillary, and now all those femanazis have a place to go.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The "one" or the wrong one

Is he the one? Or is he just another black man with an attitude and a Jesse Jackson agenda to sprinkle money across American ghettos? Beginning with the 20 year association with the ranting Chicago hate preacher where Obama never knew he was preaching "hate America" stuff, to adoring wife who never was proud of America until Obama was in the run for President, America is soon to make a choice. Recent Ayers Dorhan revelations also have come out that show Obama has a close relationship with this (another) hate America agitator and in fact started his political kick off at Ayers home. Ayers, as you may by now know, was the leader of the Weather Underground; a hate America group that bombed government buildings and killed a Boston police officer. I have been looking hard since these revelations to find a love America group Obama was ever involved with, any such group... Nothing.

How can this be explained? It seems to be the hope in middle America that race is no longer a factor. That old racial feelings are no longer. That a young black man is as good as a white man in a political race. The only problem with this is that many are blinded by the negatives and just want at all costs to be progressive enough to vote for a black man so they can show everyone that they are not part of that old way. They don't want to focus on these negatives as they might blow a hole in their new way of looking at the world. Too bad. The result of all this will be tragic for America. It will set racial relations back 50 years. Polls are showing that Obama is slipping as people are finally wising up. After it is all over and McCain wins, everyone will blame racism, and it will be some time before we all get over it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democrat view on abortion

Nancy Polosi says that she is a Catholic and has studied the abortion question quite deeply and she has declared that the church position is that life begins after the first tri-mester. The sleeping giant has woken up. Finally the church has been nudged into speaking their peace. Today the Denver Archbishop has declared this to be rubbish and he said Joe Biden should not try to receive communion because he thinks along with the Democratic talking point babbled out by Polosi. What took so long? The church needs to stop leaning left all the time except when they are pushed on the abortion issue. They need to come right out and tell Catholics what being in favor of abortion means to them with the church. It means they are favoring murder plain and simple and that is a mortal sin, and that gets you a one way trip to hell.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Biden's worth

Biden was one of the "jump to judgment" politicians that screamed for the heads of the Marines involved in the Haditha incident. This small group sided with the off the wall phony patriot Jack Murtha and demanded these Marines be prosecuted before their rights were protected and without the presumption of innocence. Biden even demanded the president apologize for this incident. Well, it turned out seven were found innocent and one is still pending a hearing. You don't hear a peep from this group of unpatriotic idiots now. I don't hear a Biden apology or even a admission that he was wrong. This kind of rush to judgment is a quality that should never be brushed over on a man who is potentially a heartbeat away from the Presidency. We also hear that one of the biggest lobbyists in Washington with an office 2 blocks from the capitol is Biden's son. A Google search of "Biden lobbyist" reveals a book load of stories of this son and legal actions he has been involved with. It is no doubt that the most recent CNN poll after Obama picked this blowhard showed that the short lead Obama had has evaporated. Change we can believe in!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Biden adds to the feminist woes

Biden came out of the gate calling his wife drop dead gorgeous and she has a PHD that he says was something to watch out for. This already miffed the fema-nazis and it should. Remember Obama calling the female reporter "Sweety"? If they didn't already have an uphill battle trying to lure the Hillary backers to support their ticket, mostly miffed feminists, they now will really have a tough road. You see, in the past, the nasty Republicans were the ones billed as sexist, not the darling Democrats. Well, its a new day. So all you miffed Hillary people, face it, they don't take you seriously at all.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I scan many other blogs to keep up with the news, and the PUMA pac, an organization of Hillary supporters who refuse to vote for Obama is one. Several talk shows have had them on to try to paint them as Republicans pulling a dirty trick. The reality is that they are real and provide a lot of info on Obama that a Republican could never get away with providing. Check them out. Here is a link they provided:

Friday, August 15, 2008

A dead man in Denver

Recently a man was found dead in a hotel room in Denver. It appeared to the news reporters that it could have been a suicide with cyanide poisoning. They talked to his family who reported that the poor man had psychological problems. The facts are really as follows: The mans name was Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, a Somali muslim from Canada. He had with him a pound of cyanide in powder form. He was staying in a $200 per night hotel just a few days before the Democratic convention. The FBI is downplaying the incident saying it doesn't look like terrorism, but any American with any normal intelligence would question that. How did he get the powder? What was he going to do with it? It's time we face reality in this country and not deal with life and death situations like this with a political slant. Tell the truth FBI! Don't spin it so that Obama is the only headline out there.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


At Ralph's world we are calling on all good Americans to lie to any pollster that may call you between now and November. Tell everyone you are for Obama but vote McCain. This way the liberal left will focus their efforts in the wrong places and spend all their money on the wrong things. Many of you feel intimiated by these double last named pixey hair due feminists who bring up the Obama name like they expect everyone to agree with them or face ostracism. It's OK to be patriotic and keep it to yourself. Be pro-American and when you go into that voting booth, think of your family and our future in this world. Tell them Obama but vote McCain!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Russian agression

Former KGB head and Russian leader Putin has decided to invade Georgia in a heavy handed way over a Georgian act that warranted only a heated discussion . Georgia, a US ally and one of the best friends of the United States in Iraq, is looking for our help, but there is none coming. John McCain has it right, Putin can't be trusted. Obama on the other hand would never consider force in a case like this, rather he would want to talk, talk, talk. The UN is considering a security council meeting over it, but the Russians don't care, they can bog down any UN effort using their parlimentary vote and everyone knows it. Putin wants Obama in office because Obama is a pacifist that can be bullied.

It comes down to this; Can any ally expect our help if they request it, when their country comes under aggression and they are outmatched? Don't ever think Obama would support one of our allies if they were in trouble. He talks a good game, but he is inexperienced, a left wing dove and anti-any war. Could Israel expect Obama to come to their aid if they were attacked by multiple Arab countries at once? Could Japan expect Obama's help if the wacco Arabs started major trouble and Japan pleaded for our military help?

Americans need to consider the worst when they vote for a President. Who will fight when fighting is in order? If Russia gets testy in the future who is the better President to put them in their place, Obama or McCain? The world isn't safe enough yet for Americans to just smell the roses and bury the slingshots.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What's Important

A Recent PEW poll taken to survey just what is important today to people sorted by political persuasion was very informative. We know that political leaders look at these a lot to mold their positions on major issues. Some even change their position based on these like Obama's new drilling position, and McCain's new border position. Here are a few tidbits from the survey:
1. The top rating for both Republicans and Independents was terrorism but it was only 3rd for Democrats.
2. Illegal Immigration was 4th for Republicans but only 17th for Democrats
3. A strong military was 7th for Republicans but only 20th for Democrats
4. Morality was 9th for Republicans but 18th for Democrats
5. Global warming was 21st for Republicans and 16th for Democrats
There were many more findings in this PEW poll, but I want to point out a few thoughts on these. Making terrorism the top priority is a winning position today and the Democrats should not be in a position where they relegate this to 3rd. Americans want the world to be safe for them. It will come back to haunt the Democrats. It is consistent that the Democrats don't give a rats butt about defense and defense issues as can be concluded from #1 and #3 above. This has been the observation of most intelligent observers for decades. Sometimes Democrats try to look tough when the polls tell them to, like just after 9/11, but don't be fooled, they don't care. It was reported that when Obama went to Afghanistan, he wouldn't even shake the troops' hands. Another interesting point is morality. This explains why abortion is important to Republicans and no big deal for Democrats. Final point notice that nobody really cares about global warming. The Democrats still are dragging this issue around trying to get Americans to push it up on the list because of the environmental lobby and the strong pressure they are exerting, but most people just don't buy it. The final glowing point is racism. It never even showed up in the top 20 views of either party. Watch out Obama, trying to "solve the racism problem" in America is a position that nobody cares about.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hidden racism in America

Many talking heads and blogs these days are scratching their heads because Obama can't seem to kick on the afterburners and stretch out a lead. After all, he has the money, the media, Hollywood, what else does he need? Juan Williams thinks whites are telling pollsters that they like Obama even though they have no use for him because they want to look progressive. Could this be?

Well let’s look at the basics. Each of the last two elections were very close with the Democrats voting Democrat, and the Republicans voting Republican and the Independents split. Is that trend any different today? You bet. Everyone knows that there are still many areas in the country where blacks are not trusted. Southern rural areas, inner city neighborhoods, and don’t forget that large block of Southern Democrats who are recognized by former KKK members like Sen. Bird. Nobody wants to examine this for fear of bringing the race issue up into a campaign where everyone is tip toeing around trying not to even frown when a black walks by. Is racism alive and a factor?

The Democrats want to play it both ways. They want everyone to feel like they are a racist if they are not for Obama, while trying to convince themselves that there are no racist feelings today in America. One needs only to travel into southern white areas to see that old black/white views are still around. For many its bad enough to consider voting for a black man who most of the time acts white, but to vote for him when he starts acting like the Pope in Europe and better then the rest of us is much too much to swallow. But just how much of a factor is it? Well, we know that Obama realized no bounce after Europe. After Europe he has slipped now to a point that he is dead even with McCain today in the polls. The media is trying to say McCain is advancing instead of Obama slipping but, they are starting to fear the worst.

Obama started off strong but a lot of his strength was really because many just thought of Hillary as a nag and a idiot. The media knew this but were so into a young black man making history, they wanted to ride that wave and be part of it. Obama, the opportunist, surged just like when he ran for Senate against someone who had higher objectionables then him (Republican black). He is lucky that way. Now he is about to be the anointed Democrat at their convention. Are people staying in the closet until they vote? The answer is absolutely.

My view is that even if the whites in America, both Democrats and Republicans, are 10-15% racist or even just a little untrusting of a black man in power, McCain wins big in November. We won’t hear the guilt trip from the media until after the election.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Pick me up

Every now and then we all need a little something to lift our spirits, to make us just smile. To some it is the laughter of a child, to others it may be a church prayer. I get my spirits boosted when I see our active duty military blowing islamo-fasciests apart. Check this out:

Monday, August 4, 2008

Obama lie

Obama says if we just inflate our tires, it would equal the amount of oil expected by new off shore drilling. We decided to check his statement, here is what we found:
1. There are 125 million cars on the road :
2. 3% of them have underinflated tires (3,750,000):
3. Each car can be expected to save 50 gal per year if they inflate their tires:
4. New off-shore drilling can be expected to tap 1 billion barrels of new oil:
5. There are 42 gallons per barrell:
Do the math. 3% of 125 million cars is 3,750,000 cars that are underinflated at 50 gal each equals 187,500,000 gallons per year divided by 42 equals (gallons per barrell)4,464,285 barrels per year. If oil companies expect 1 billion barrels it will provide a 227 year supply.
Obama wasn't even close, is he the only meathead or are his math wiz handlers meatheads too?

Giving life a chance

Mr. Obama has continuously supported the liberal left position on abortion. He has even stated his support for late term abortion. Beyond that, he has refused to vote against the protection of "miracle babies" which are late term abortion babies that have somehow survived the process. This extreme position is murder plain and simple. He and the loony left somehow justify their positions by trying to convince themselves that it is not a living being until it breathes. That way the partial birth process of removing the baby feet first so that it doesn't breath yet and then chopping up the body is ok with them. Barbaric isn't it? I can only think of the baby Samual photo of a team of doctors operating on a baby still in the womb and the little kid reaching out and grabbing the doctors hand. See for yourself:

Iran shakedown

Ever since the liberal policies of Jimmy Carter and the continued actions later by Bill Clinton, foreign powers have found success getting money from us by threatening to do something outrageous. The release of the hostages by Iran during the late days of Jimmy Carter's reign happened only after the US paid a huge ransom. This was never officially confirmed by this government, but the indications were there and the media had the story in their sights, but couldn't prove it so it died before it's expose. North Korea started this recently and once again we took notice, opened up trade again, loosened up the sanctions against them, which is the same as money, and they agreed to stop their boisterous military threats. Well, Iran is at it again. The nuclear centrifuge development isn't really to start war with anyone. They are only a pimple. They want money. I bet they get it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Since the beginning of the Obama circus I have been at a loss to understand how a candidate who revels in vagaries and pep talk phrases can be at the brink of winning the highest office in the land. Could it be that most of the people in this country really don’t care if he has a solid position on anything? Could it be that the American people are so sick of struggling in a bad economy that they are just looking for “a change”. Or are most people just stupid?

A review of the past is vitally important at this point. Obama started his political pursuits in Chicago where he decided to marry up with Rev. Wright in order to get elected to the State Senate in Illinois. If he didn’t do it for that reason, then he did it because he believed all that anti-American, racist bull. My read of him is that he is a calculating opportunist, but a nice guy! He has a genuine nice smile and just doesn’t look like an angry black man. Now given that, I must therefore conclude that he used the blacks in South Chicago by letting them think he was one of them (anti America and anti white man). He did this for 20 years while he established a block of votes, most of which backed him because he was a Rev. Wright parishioner and so are they. He was a brother.

So Mr. Obama joined up with one of the largest churches in the area and this got him elected. After he got elected, he managed to earmark millions of dollars in State tax revenues to Rev. Wright’s church and his political base. Now he was a mini savior. All the while he was using his backers because they figured he was “one of them” but in reality he wasn’t.

Other people Obama chummed around with included a former domestic terrorist and a shady real estate developer, but all this is not contested at all. The point is that when you look at a person and are trying to size him up, you have to look at all his friends. Most of the time a person is in sinc with their friends. Especially if the relationships are long ones.

Obama later had a teaching position at a Chicago law school that was known for professors that published huge amounts of educational articles on law. Guess what? Obama never published anything there. He only lectured on black oppression topics. Again, pumping up his resume for political reasons.

Don’t forget his lovely bride Michelle. The media poked around for a bit into her background but later stopped. As she said, up until recently she never loved this country. Well, that is the inferred inverse of what she said. Mysteriously the transcripts of the PUSH subcommittee meeting where she may have referred to “whitey” have vanished. Why do you think her image, at least from skeptics, is a radical black female with an attitude? We do know that her senior thesis was a black, whow is me, theme. We also know she thought of her Harvard professors as white elitists. These facts have been made public already.

Opportunity knocked and Obama got to run against a black Republican for a US Senate seat. This was a gift, against another black in a State that votes democratic? Now he is a US Senator and his campaign for President begins. He is forced to write off Rev. Wright He said that was not the Rev. Wright he knew before. He writes off his old friend Tony Resco saying he is not the Tony Resco he knew before. So much for loyalty. One political flap and under the bus goes his friends to join his white grandmother. When I was in the military the troops formed opinions of senior officers on this quality only. In tough times would he back you or not? This quality in a leader is of the utmost importance. Obama doesn't have it.

Now Obama is out there politicking. He is great on the prepared speeches, but as we all know, when he drifts from the text, problems happen. He said the other day in Florida that if everyone just inflated their tires and got tune ups, it would exceed all the oil that others say is out there targeted for new drilling. What a stupid statement! Can you imagine a Presidential candidate making things up like that? Even his supportive audience couldn’t believe that statement…total silence when he said it. Now when someone is so sure of their communication abilities that they think they can just sling it and get away with it, there is a problem. For those that wish to apologize for Obama and say he was only kidding, then the next question is, what is the argument against further drilling then? If he had an intelligent one he would have led with it. He didn’t. The truth is there is no real reason why not. As a matter of fact, he just decided to soften that stance after the Florida speech. He now says he now will support new drilling in the gulf as long as we agree to a 20 year plan to convert cars to run on electricity. Sounds like his team looked at the polling data and recognized that most Americans favor new drilling. Sorry Ms. Polosi.

Recently Obama decided to go to the middle east to prove he has foreign policy experience?? He was led around and when he visited Afghanistan he reportedly avoided meeting the troops. This is a copy of an e-mail from an in-country soldier that was published on the internet just the other day:

Hello everyone, I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.
As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.
So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.

In service,
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter
Battle Captain
TF Wasatch
American Soldier

I think the soldier had it right when he said that Obama was probably scared to face troops that do not feel he is on their side. The Obama handlers probably didn’t want to risk a soldier refusing to shake his hand or turning his back on him. Even the liberal media circus following him would have had to report that.

After he returned, even though the liberal media is now conceding that the surge worked, Obama refused to admit that. Instead he babbled on about how his plan was better. Even Katie Couric pressed him to admit the surge worked, but he wouldn’t. Obama’s plan is to put all the troops into Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan. I don’t think we want a President that can’t see to admit a mistake, or when to change courses after a mistake. He wouldn’t on the surge, he wouldn’t on his friends, he wouldn’t on Rev. Wright. I’m afraid he wouldn’t as President.

Now we are looking at Obama without an energy policy, with no good foreign policy, with a dangerous economic policy, and virtually no experience at anything. He was a community organizer in Chicago which turned out to be working with ACORN which was found to be an organization that signed up thousands of illegal voters (voter fraud). Obama says he is ready to lead but he won’t face the troops to thank them. He claims all the high gas prices can be addressed by filling your tires, he will raise taxes or he’ll retreat and dismantle the military. Unfortunately with the percent of the federal budget that is discretionary, there aren’t any other ways of finding major cash to fund new programs.

Americans need to wake up. This man has no principles of his own. He has no loyalties. A man like this can not be trusted. McCain has a lot of issues too, but at least he is consistent and a real patriot, Obama is not.