Friday, September 19, 2008

Patriotism and taxes

Joe Biden says it's patriotic to pay more taxes. He apparently can't come up with any better answer when asked about it yesterday. His caustic style basically implied that unless you pay more, you aren't patriotic enough. This being the logical inverse of his statement. Well. I have an answer for Mr. Biden. Stick it! As a Vietnam veteran with 18 months in combat, I think I am patriotic enough. Most other veterans I know are the same on this point. How dare Joe Biden! If you want to increase patriotism Joe, try getting your running mate to get rid of his terrorist friends, try getting your running mate to stop lying to the American public about where his loyalties lie. Finally try not talking down to people, try respecting what people are and not trying to shame them. If there is anyone who epitomizes a lack of patriotism, its Barack Obama.

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