Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palen impact

Sarah Palin's performance last night was nothing short of unbelievable. News media from as far as Great Briton (The Sun) are declaring her speech an absolute home run. How can a relative unknown just a few weeks ago become the most talked about and toasted woman today worldwide? Here's my take on it. She is a PTA mom who has had a normal amount of family problems and challenges along the way. Also very much like in Mr. Smith goes to Washington where a good old boy butts heads with the Ipana smile Ivy League lawyer politicians and wins, Palen is of that mold and her trek toward the Vice Presidency is a lot like that. She has taken on the establishment without any help, and turned around her State the way the people like her (the majority of the citizens there) wanted to see it. She got rid of corruption, sent people to jail and at last look, is riding at 85% approval rating. The highest in the nation for a Governor. This is a crisis for the lefties. How can the first successful feminist be a Republican? That's not supposed to be. Is this the future look of American politics? The Republican party?

Palen took apart the left leaning media by saying she doesn't care about their support, only interested in serving the American public. She took a shot at Sen. Harry Reid, Obama, and the general establishment, and she did all this with a smile and a completely disarming approach. It is now understandable how she was so successful in Alaska. They never saw her coming.

There is no doubt that the media will continue to attack her, and the Daily KOS will sling mud at her, and several other slime blogs will do Obama's dirty work while Obama conveniently denies he's behind any of it. I just get the feeling that she is saying to herself, Bring it on! I hope McCain and the other backers, many of which just woke up, jump in and give her a hand.

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