Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama stupidity

One on one such as with O'Reilly the night of John McCain's speech at the RNC convention he shows his lack of knowledge on National Defense issues. He said that Iran is not part of the war on terror??

I have learned to question everything this idiot says, he lies all the time or is just stupid. Iran is 89% Shia and 9% Sunni, Iraq is 60% Shia and 37% Sunni, Syria is 24% Sunni and 16% shia. The bad guys are off shoots of the Sunni that drift around country to country with a finance base and a mother land in Saudi Arabia where the Sunni are 88% and the Shia are only 11%. There are no border fences, nobody asking for a passport, in fact it's just all desert! This is no mystery and anyone that can read a little will soon understand that people are free to roam and all of them speak Arabic.

Obama says Iraq is the wrong place to fight because they didn't do anything, but Afghanistan is the right place to fight. He bases this on the Democratic talking point that the 9/11 bad guys came from Afghanistan and thats the only place that we should be fighting. This stupid way of looking at it is like they looked at Viet Nam where we weren't allowed in Cambodia or Laos because our fight was in Viet Nam. What happened? the Ho Chi Minh trail was constructed through those neighboring countries to supply South Viet Nam from North Viet Nam with bombs and bullets.

Bush was right originally that we had to find them and take them out wherever they may drift. McCain also understands that. Obama would put our troops in Afghanistan and the rockets and mortars would hail in from all the neighboring countries all the while they would be laughing at us while they picked off our men. This man is dangerous, all he cares about are neighborhood issues.

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