Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Democratt racism

A recent poll released the other day found that 30% of likely to vote democrats hold harsh feelings towards blacks. Not only is this the big elephant in the closet, but it is the elephant the democratic leaders never wanted the public to find out about. I am not alone when I say McCain will win big. I said it months ago. I believe racism in the Democratic party will be the reason too. Here's why. The south as a geographic area has much different views then Massachusetts type people. This is really no big secret. These anti-black views are not universal but they exist and they can be seen predominantly in the southern blue collar industries. The good old boy network, check out the local bars where crowds of laborers have a few Buds after work, shoot some pool, and watch Nascar. These bar scenes are not an urban myth, there are hundreds of thousands of them accross the south.
Everyone knows the Democrats have cornered the unions especially the labor unions into there corner and have kept them there for over a decade now. They grabbed up this block knowing full well that the racism in the group was deep seated and impossible to change. Well, the democrats true to form welcomed them in and never did a thing to address racism. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. Republicans are voting against Obama because he is a democrat, 30% of democrats are voting against him because he is black. Trying to shame the people in there corner will only serve to make it 35%. It's too late.
The lesson here for the democrats is simple. You have to be truthful before you spin anything. They have been starting with a lie and spinning from there. They have been promoting Obama by telling America that racism in a presidential election is a non-issue. They similarly had been telling Americans that the war in Iraq was lost, that global warming is killing polar bears, that Anwar is an environmental treasure and on and on. They would have had a lot more success by starting with the truth.
The fallout from this will be tough. Blacks will dislike whites because they will be looked at as the ones who stopped "The One". The democratic party will blame it all on the republicans some how, and deep seated racism will continue. When America is ready for a black President, America will elect one, its just not now.

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