Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Real One

This country is nearing the point where they have to make a choice for President. Those who want Obama should consider what he will not tell you. He will not tell you what he did with Acorn, he will not tell you when he met Mr. Ayers (he has lied about this by saying he only knew him in passing), he won't tell you what is in his medical records, he won't release his birth certificate, he won't tell you how he could have been in a church for 20 years and never even heard about a blockbuster attack on America by his paster, He won't tell you that he knew he was working with a real estate crook Mr Rezco and he profited in a scandalous way.

We know he has has some questionable friends and acquaintances, We know he lies about these things. We know his wife has a chip on her shoulder and a persecution complex against whites. Her ex-boss in a law firm she was a first year lawyer, tells a story about her that supports this. We know her senior thesis was about how whites in her college see her as black in a negative way. We know his campaign has put a gag on her for a month now for obvious reasons. We know his math does not add up and all he promises can't be paid for at all. We know when he ran for state senate he promised lower taxes and he raised them instead. We know he sounds white when his audience is white and sounds like a brother when he is in front of a neighborhood crowd. Can you trust him? He says he thinks military action is justified when their is genocide but not in the case of the Kurds which he himself referred to as a genocide a few years ago. This means military action in Africa! Remember, one of the two bills of his that became public law in the senate was to support monetary action in the Republic of the Congo. We know he is in favor of abortion without restriction, and we know he voted against help for miracle babies (those that survive abortions), and we know that he worked hard to outlaw handguns but told an NRA crowd he was in favor of gun ownership. He lies continually to get by. The only way he can get his agenda funded is by doing what other democrats have tried; to gut the military. Funny, a month ago he even said he would expand the military when his audience was the American Legion. Americans need to think hard before making a decision, there is too much at stake.

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